Inspiration for the Young at Heart

Birthday PageantR6

Mary Ellen Warner

Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic.

—Rosalind Russell

How would I observe my sixtieth birthday? How would I honor the beginning of a new decade? Birthdays have always been important to me. As a matter of fact, I schedule a whole birthday month rather than just one day!

Every July, I fill the calendar with activities that make me happy. My husband is always supportive of the plans since they bring him pleasure also. Walks in the woods with our dogs. A paddleboat ride at the lake. An outdoor concert featuring old-time rock and roll, or perhaps even better, folk songs from the 1960s.

Some years I am exceptionally blessed and my family visits from out of town during July. Food. Laughter. Old stories that bring joy and tears. Life doesn't get any better.

However, for my sixtieth birthday I decided to outdo myself. I had discovered that the Ms. Senior Michigan Pageant was going to be held at the local senior center. In order to be a contestant, you had to be at least sixty years old. Lo and behold, the pageant was to be held on my actual birth date! My husband agreed with me that it was a sign that I needed to sign up.

Watching Miss America was a rite of passage when I was growing up, but it had never occurred to me to take part in a pageant. As a matter of fact, my lifestyle doesn't include fancy dresses.

Nevertheless, I knew this was an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and have a learning experience. Contestants would have a one-on-one interview with the judges, deliver a statement of life philosophy, show off a talent, and exhibit poise during a walk across stage in an evening gown. It sounded like fun. Scary too!

Although I do sing and dance a little, I didn't feel that was my way to shine. Instead I prepared a humorous monologue about a miscommunication created by my hearing loss. Oh boy, I have now added comedian to my bio!

The interview and statement of philosophy were interesting. A year later, I have still not decided how I felt about the evening gown walk. I did feel like a princess in my sparkly blue dress with the swishy skirt. On the other hand, it felt silly to walk across stage and pose for the audience.

My husband, of course, thought I was the absolute best. The judges, however, had someone else in mind as the winner. I didn't win or place, but I did have a wonderful birthday celebration.

My youngest niece was impressed with my participation. In honor of my birthday, she drew a picture of me in my blue sparkle dress that made me thinner and blonder than I really am. The rendition of my dress was much more accurate. I framed the drawing and hung it up to remind me that it is exciting to step out of my comfort zone.

The Ms. Senior Michigan Pageant was a terrific way to begin my sixties. I cannot wait to see what is next, but I bet it will be something really interesting! The best is yet to come.

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